SuperMax | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about blue SuperMax

How can I activate the content of Disney+ and Paramount+?

After subscribing to your blue SuperMax, you will receive an email with the next steps to activate the content of Disney+ and Paramount+. For successful activation of the content, please follow the instructions in the customer portal (MySwisscom).

What do I have to do if I already have a separate subscription to Disney+, Paramount+, and/or Sky?

Depending on how you subscribed to the individual services, you will need to cancel your existing accounts to avoid additional costs. Check here what applies to you and the steps you may need to take:

I have subscribed to my individual subscription to Disney+ and/or Paramount+ with Swisscom:

In this case, you do not need to do anything. Your accounts will be automatically transferred to the blue SuperMax package.

I have subscribed to my individual subscription to Disney+ and/or Paramount+ via Google Play Store or Apple App Store:

In this case, cancel your respective subscription directly on your device in the subscription management of the respective Store. Then follow the instructions to reactivate Disney+ and Paramount+ that were sent to you by email when you subscribed to the blue SuperMax package.

I have subscribed to my individual subscription to Disney+ directly:

  • If you have ordered your Disney+ subscription directly via Disney (and not via e.g., Google Play Store or Apple App Store), and this Disney+ subscription corresponds to or is lower than the subscription model included in blue SuperMax, Disney will automatically pause your individual subscription.
  • If you have a higher Disney+ annual subscription than what is included in your new blue SuperMax subscription (e.g., Disney+ Premium vs. Disney+ Standard), you must cancel this yourself through the Disney+ customer service. However, you can request a partial refund for the already paid months through Disney+ customer service. After you have reactivated Disney+ through blue SuperMax, you will receive an email from Disney+ with further instructions.

I have subscribed to my individual subscription to Paramount+ directly:

Please cancel your existing subscription directly with Paramount+ (website or customer service). Then follow the instructions to reactivate Paramount+, which were sent to you by email when you subscribed to your blue SuperMax package.

I have subscribed to my individual subscription to Sky directly or through Swisscom:

Please contact Sky directly to cancel your existing subscription. After that, you don't need to do anything else. All Sky Cinema content is directly integrated into blue SuperMax and available on blue TV or the blue TV app.

Can I switch from an already existing Disney+ and/or Paramount+ annual subscription booked through Swisscom to an annual or monthly blue SuperMax subscription?

You can switch at any time from a Disney+ and/or Paramount+ annual subscription to the blue SuperMax annual subscription. When switching, a new 12-month minimum contractual duration applies to the blue SuperMax package.
However, switching from a Disney+ and/or Paramount+ annual subscription to a blue SuperMax monthly subscription is not possible.

What happens to ongoing promotions on my Disney+ and/or Paramount+ when I subscribe to a blue SuperMax package?

Ongoing promotions on the Disney+ and/or Paramount+ services will automatically lose their validity.

Will my Disney+ and/or Paramount+ subscription details be transferred if these are cancelled when subscribing to blue SuperMax?

Your contact details, personal favorite lists, and similar will be transferred if you use the same email address as for the cancelled Disney+ and/or Paramount+ accounts when reactivating the respective app.

Can I use Disney+ and Paramount+ abroad?

As long as the services are offered in the respective country, you can use the Disney+ and Paramount+ apps for blue SuperMax customers abroad. However, some titles may not be available abroad due to licensing reasons (geo-blocking).

What pricing plans and add-on options are available for the blue SuperMax package?